Advertising Policy
All advertisements and publications of a commercial nature are independent of editorial decisions. The journal does not endorse any product or service marked as advertising or by sponsors within its publications. Editorial content remains unaffected by commercial or financial interests, or by any arrangement with specific advertising clients or sponsors. The journal will not accept advertisements for products or services that are known to be harmful to health (e.g., alcohol or illegal products). Advertising must not deceive or mislead anyone. Ads may be removed from the journal’s platform at any time if the Editor-in-Chief or Publisher requests their removal. The journal will not allow specific campaigns targeting particular articles. Advertisers may not link to articles using keywords, target ads based on products mentioned in those articles, or refer to articles published simultaneously with advertisements. All advertisements must comply with relevant laws. Editorial decisions will not be influenced by current or potential sponsors and advertisers, and marketing decisions will have no impact on editorial content. Advertisers and sponsors will have no control or influence over search results that users may make based on keywords or search topics.